Thank You For Your Interest In Helping the BLPS Control Swimmer's Itch In Our Lake
The Common Merganser and Swimmer's Itch on Black Lake
erThe BLPS has engaged Swimmer's Itch Solutions (SI Solutions, LLC) to assist us with reducing the prevalence of swimmer's itch in Black Lake. Refer to the Swimmer's Itch page to:
Based on our learnings, the approach that we have selected is to trap broods of the common merganser and relocate them to lakes that don't have the specific snail that is in our lake that completes the cycle that creates our problem. This approach, while difficult, repetitive, and expensive, is the most effective, safe, and natural way to reduce the problem in our lake without the use of potentially harmful chemicals. If you are concerned about Swimmer's Itch, you may consider viewing the training session below to learn how to identify the common merganser. And when you see a brood (a female with her ducklings) you can report it on the Eyes On The Lake survey form and SI Solutions and BLPS team members will be immediately given the information required to trap and relocate the brood. You may also consider a financial contribution to the BLPS to sustain this method of managing our problem. |
A female or immature Common Merganser
A male Common Merganser
Merganser Identification Training
Report Your Sightings
Enter your observation in the EYES ON THE LAKE data collection web app by clicking on the button below. Filling out the form that comes up will add your finding to our Geospatial Information System (GIS) so it can be seen by SI Solutions and BLPS members using our EYES ON THE LAKE app! The first step is to choose your location by clicking on the blue pin or dragging it to the correct location. Click or tap the back arrow in the green banner at the top of the map to continue with the survey. Choose "Merganser Sighting" as the Feature type at the end of the survey and don't forget to save your observation. Thank you for reporting imerganser broods on our lake!
You may also choose to report your findings and your Spotter activities on our Facebook page found HERE.
You may also choose to report your findings and your Spotter activities on our Facebook page found HERE.
Consider Helping With The Cost to Trap and Relocate
Each brood that we trap and relocate eases the swimmer's itch problem on Black Lake, but each brood relocation costs about $3,000. Please consider contributed to our fund to trap and relocate by clickintg HERE or going to the Donations page in the menu. Once at the Donate page, choose Swimmer's Itch to make your donation. All lake users thank you for that!!